Mar 20, 2016 12:22
So last night the Vegan Potluck we attend held a chickpea challenge. The requirements being you make a dish with chickpeas, chickpea flour or aquafaba (some kind of chickpea water, I gather). My contribution was molasses-ginger cookies, with oat and chickpea flour as the base. Strong (I use a very potent ginger), but very tasty.
Excellent food, as always. On top of that, I competed in one of the chickpea contests we held. This one was to pick as many words as possible that can be made with the letters in "garbanzo bean." I had 92, including "Bezoar," "orange" and "Gazebo" (I still missed 10 to 20 though, that other people got). I won! So I got a cool hand towel, and we always need more hand towels.
Oh, and I've now worked through all the teas TYG bought for me. Not a loser in the bunch.