Sep 23, 2005 14:09
I'm really annoyed with my school's pharmacy thing right now. I just spent about half an hour going from person to person trying to find out if they had received my perscription for my ADD meds (which, yes, I think I'm probably going to go back to taking [i]some[/i] of) and at every step of the way I was made to feel that I was making unreasonable and unintelligible request. A typical exchange went something like this:
Me: Hi, I'm here to check to see if a perscription from back home has been received here?
Idiot at the Counter: O ummm....*blank loook*
Me: My name is Michael Magner
IATC: What's the perscription for (note: this is a completely irrelevant question...such records are kept by name)
Me: Concerta
IATC: O, well that's a federally controlled thing
Me: Yes, I'm aware. That's why I have a perscription.
IATC: O well we haven't received anything in the past week
Me: I'm not sure when it was sent. Could you check your records?
IATC: O....well ok *checks*
IATC: We don't have it
Me: O I guess it must have gotten messed up in the mailing...I'm from New Orleans you see
IATC: *blank look*
Me: So where can I go to see about this?
IATC: Try office X I guess
IATC: Where is your doctor located
Me: New Orleans...where I'm from?
RAH!!!!!! I had to go through that 2.5 times! This is the school that sells itself as the #1 school in the country for learning disability and ADD support! And if you're thinking "O that doesn't sound so bad Michael, stop exaggerating" keep in mind what it is I'm trying to get. I'm not embarassed to say that I have ADD (fuck, I'm writing about it on my LJ for all of you to see) but a lot of people are. Even I'm a little defensive about gettting medication for it. I don't want to have an argument over getting them to just check their box of letters for my name. I'd like a little "O I'm sorry that your city got flooded and now you can't get something that you ostensibly need in order to function (in some ways at least)."
So, I've emailed the coordinator of the disability support...hopefully she'll get back to me and make my life easier. Please don't reply with comments about how I shouldn't drug myself or whatnot. Just don't.