EEEE!!! Free advanced screening of 8 mile I'M GOING I'M GOING I'M GOING.
Must find date.
Going to get dressed up again and go over to see
katebate and
sherm at the par-tay tonight. Hopefully it will be fun, but I have to come home early so I can get some SLEEP for practice tomorrow. Should I even go? I'll have to get all dressed up, go over there alone, and then come back alone...hmm... I'm starting to think that going to bed early is a much better idea.
Kind of didn't get any sleep last night. Kind of...had more interesting things to do... kind of... gave my phone number out, and hopefully someone will put it to use at some point. He was nice--I'd like to see him again. If not, then oh well, it was a fun night, to be sure 0:-)
I finished my art project. That means I don't really have homework this weekend, except for starting Absalom Absalom! at some point, and maybe doing some Latin.
Thank you.
Tomorrow night: Rocky Horror, or rugby party? I think RHPS would be really fun, but it's at 12 in West Seattle, and I don't get off work until 11. :( I guess I get to drink beer with a bunch of big burly men, then.
Yes. I am far too tired for a party. Sorry KT, but I wouldn't have fun even if I did manage to make it there in the blistering cold all alone ;) I hope it was fun!
I hate my art project. It's so retarded.
Looking at possible schedules for next quarter. I am taking LATIN 102, and ART 121 for sure... but I have to decide between ENGL 225 (Shakespeare) and ART HISTORY 204 (Survey of Asian Art).
Both of those last two make my schedule nice and tight, with no breaks. The question is... do I want to take another quarter of [Latin/English/Art] or should I go hog-wild and go with [Latin/Art History/Art]? I can use both classes equally well. They would both be every day at 10:30. Hmm.