Podcast Pimping

Dec 07, 2013 16:55

Talking podcasts with campylobacter on twitter, I am not sure how popular they are here in general, but I just love them. Here are a few of my favourites if anyone is interested in dipping their toes into the podcast pool. And please, if you have any favourites to share, leave a comment too!

TOFOP/FOFOP: An Australian comedy podcast originally started by comedian Wil Anderson and actor Charlie Clausen (who has since left the podcast when he joined the cast of Home & Away because the producers believed the podcast reflected poorly on their family oriented show about bombs and teen pregnancy...). Wil has since renamed the podcast FOFOP (a Fringe reference) and continues with 'guest-Charlies', most notably Dave Anthony, Justin Hamilton and Rove McManus as well as a slew of other Australian, US and UK comedians Wil tours with. The most notable themes of the show include pop culture, super heroes, and science fiction as well as personal anecdotes and hypotheticals. This was the podcast I first started with because I have been a huge Wil Anderson fan for years.

Website | iTunes | Libsyn

Walking The Room: The American sister podcast to TOFOP hosted by comedians Dave Anthony and Greg Behrendt. Walking The Room holds a more intense and perhaps gruffer approach to the topics it covers, however that may just be from my skewed Australian point of view and more in keeping with an American audience. This podcast is perhaps more ranty, but the banter alone is a thing of beauty. Ocassionally Walking The Room has guests such and Wil and Charlie, and Patten Oswalt, and is recorded inside Greg's closet in California. I admit I have fallen a bit behind with this one as it takes a lot more focus to listen to, however the franchise of this podcast is growing steadily in the US with a number of live show recordings.

Website | iTunes | Libsyn

Talking Poofy/The Poofcast: An Australian comedy podcast focusing on all elements of homosexuality and LGBTI issues hosted by the outrageous Scott Brennan, the fabulous Adam Richard and the punctual Toby Sullivan. This is a comedy podcast, however there are a number of informative segments such as gay health and LGBTI history which is simply fascinating. I have actually learned quite a bit from this podcast (and not just about amyl). Talking Poofy is not for the easily offended, but is one of the higher quality podcasts in terms of production I have found. Again, I have been a fan of Adam's and Scott's for many years.

Website | iTunes

Sanctuary Podcast: Starring Amanda Tapping, Damian Kindler and Martin Wood, this podcast provided and alternative commentary to season 2 and the opener of season 3 of Sanctuary. The podcast is rather laissez faire compared with the DVD commentaries and is a lot more explicit. There were only 14 episodes released (no idea why), however, they are a delight to listen to (if you don't mind the singing) and a must for any Sanctuary fan.

Website | iTunes

Campbell Callea Podcast: Described as Australian gay royalty, singer Anthony Callea and husband actor Tim Campbell have only recently started this comedy podcast. With just 2 episodes released so far, this is quickly becoming one of my favourites. Simply, it is half an hour of laughter and banter and the sharing of things you didn't need to know! Anthony and Tim are setting out to solve everyone's #firstworldproblems and to offer advice with #dearcallea. Funny and light-hearted, offering alternative beauty secrets and the best place in Sydney to see a little chotch!

Website | iTunes

Wilosophy: Another Wil Anderson podcast, fairly new with just 3 episodes released so far. Wil gets wilosophical with his guests, thus far Australian personalities, to talk about what their philosophy in life is and how they came to believe what they do by exploring their pasts and what they now consider to be the important things in life.


I do listen to a few more, but they are rather niche, whereas these are probably the most accessable for a global audience.

* Note, iTunes links are to the Australian iTunes website. If you have trouble gaining access via elsewhere, podcasts are available through the iTunes store directly, and all are free.

australiana, sanctuary, wil anderson

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