Spreading the word!:
Coming to you live from the Stargate fandom, in real time, TODAY, available for your reading and viewing pleasure, you can purchase four brand new zines conceived and birthed - with lots of help! - by our friend Anne (annejackdanny) for our friend in need, Syl of Holdtvids.
One is a gorgeous gen zine and three are beautifully rendered slash zines. All of them are a mixture of encore and brand new stories now illustrated with fantastic artwork that will necessitate having a drool rag handy. And as an added extra bonus - these zines are available in three formats: Download, CD and print!
If you want to skip all the credits and go straight to the purchase, here's the link:
A Friend in Need But there are a lot of people to thank for their generosity in supporting this endeavour on behalf of our friend in need.
Anne (annejackdanny) - whose bright ideas made this a reality and who conscripted, collected and collated all the materials for the slash zines and helped to set up the viding project that accompanies the sale of these zines
Cheryl (Eiliidh17) - who conscripted, collected and collated all the materials for the gen zine and did a lot of the artwork for both the slash and gen zines, AND - Anne says - hand held her through the process of figuring out how to do this zine stuff
Judy (Jmas) - who, after all the material was coerced from it's owners and collected and collated by the two above - took nearly a thousand pages of material and turned it into four astonishingly beautiful NEW zines!
Maria (Manicmea) was also hugely instrumental in taking over the vidding project and coercing, collecting and collating (not to mention posting) the vids that have been made specially for Syl. Unlike the Stargate zines, the vids are multi-fandom, since Syl vids in multiple fandoms, and we hope this fundraiser will spread far and wide! Additionally, many of the beautiful banners for these vids were created by Maria just for this project. If you decide to watch the vids and would like to make a donation, there is a PayPal link on the intro page on Maria's blog. Click *read more* and it takes you to the introduction with all the information you need. Here's the vid link:
A Friend in Need The Stargate fandom has always had a generous heart! Please, buy a zine or two and help us support Syl and her family in this time of need!
Much love and thanks to everyone - writers, artists & vidders who gave their time and skills. *hugs fandom tight*