Despite being labelled 'fussy', 'complicated' and 'a pain in the arse', I have for a while now carried around a little bit of paper, scribbled with the numbers of all the food additives that are derived from animal products. It's an essential tool for any vegetarian/vegan braving the supermarket aisles.
Admittedly, I haven't done alot of online research regarding vegetarian lifestyle (been one for 10 years, long before I knew how to use the net :P) so I guess I was surprised (and I totally shouldn't be) someone had taken the time to put that very list
online in a nice, easily printed out format.
Sorry if I'm a little late to the party, but how cool is that! :P
Now I wish the government would get their act together and pass that dealie about proper labelling for vegetarians/vegans. If they can do it for halal foods...