LJ is a time capsule, ain't it?

Oct 14, 2006 01:44

Pretty much... but it doesn't really matter, I guess. I wrote the following with the intention of putting it in some digital time capsule thing, only to chicken out. I'm not sure why. I guess it's because it kind of felt like a suicide note or something too tragic and valuable to be placed among what'll probably mostly be spam bullshit. Here it goes:

Holy shit (<-strong language in our time), you don't know Adam Christopher Clark? Please, in 2006, almost EVERYBODY knew THE A to the C. Okay, not almost EVERYBODY, but those who met him knew him, and those who saw him, they WANTED to know him. People would be like "hey, do you know Adam Clark?" and the other person might be like "Who?" and they'd be like "that big guy, he went to Manual High School, goes to UofL [University of Louisville, in the state of Kentucky, where Adam was born and raised], works at Dairy Queen?" And the other person would be like "Oh YEAH, I know him. Seems cool." Most of the time someone inquired of Adam Clark, the other person would be like "Yeah, of course I know Adam. He's cool." As stated, I (yes, it is THE Adam Clark who is writing this... I gotta dig that 3rd person, yo [<- slang for "I enjoy writing in third person" in our time]) graduated from duPont Manual High School, the #1 high school in Kentucky, and one of the best in the nation in our day (hopefully still is in your day... even now, it's been around for some time) where I played football for 4 years as an offensive tackle. It was really just something to do, and while I wasn't great, I wouldn't trade the experience for... well, it was a great experience to say the least. I earned my Eagle Scout (very rare honor for those who go through the Boy Scouts of America), and went to University of Louisville, because in all honesty, I couldn't afford to go anywhere else, and I didn't even apply anywhere else, because (as proven by my Eagle Scout award) I'm loyal in that way. At this point, I'm still going there, and still working at the Dairy Queen that I've been at for 5 years (did I mention that I'm loyal?). I've got a pretty decent mind in my large and attractive skull, if you don't mind my bragging. I'd like to do something for the world that will make people remember me even without this silly capsule thing. Not so much so that people will remember me, but because I want to help mankind in one way or another. Mostly I'd like to put smiles on faces. I've written some funny movie scripts that I think would do the trick for at least some people. If that doesn't work, well, let's hope I can cure that cancer, or world hunger, or discover that planet capable of sustaining human life. But seriously, who's going to read this?
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