Nov 23, 2003 21:36
I have come to the sudden and profound realization that i will die alone. I dont mean without family, because the simpsons breed like rabbit. And i dont mean without friends, because i have those.
I dont mean that i have not found him and i am despairing, i have just looked at the facts and come to a logical conclusion.
What i mean is that, given the person i am right now, nobody can ever be the perfect person for me. Any person who fit all the things i need would be too brilliant, and would see through my falsehoods. They would be too wonderful, and would be unable to stand me. They would be so fun, thay i would bore them to death.
So i cannot find my One. Another realization, is that it doesnt bother me as much as it should. I am and have always been a solitary creature.
Is this bad? It brobably is. Im not upset though. Is that bad? Oh, who knows.