(no subject)

May 23, 2004 11:01

stole this from gjetta_, who stole it from someone named chelsea.

Abortion?: Not pro-abortion, but pro-choice.
Death Penalty?: Against.
Prostitution?: Not pro-prostitution, but whatever you want to do with your body is okay with me.
Alcohol?: Anti- for anyone under 21, but again, it's your body.
Marijuana?: Stupid as hell, should stay illegal.
Other drugs?: Against.
Gay marriage?: Pro.
Illegal immigrants?: We have room, they don't. Come on over!
Smoking?: Against, but not forcefully so.
Drunk driving?: Against.
Cloning?: Whatever, it'd be weird, and I'd never get cloned, but it's your body, your choice.
Racism?: Against.
Premarital sex?: Go ahead, but please, please use protection.
Religion?: It's not for me, but I can see the positive effects it could have on people. Too each their own.
The war in Iraq?: Against, against, against!
Bush?: Ew, just ew. Against doesn't sum it up.
Downloading music?: I'm cool with downloading and making mixed CDs, but not burning full CDs, that annoys me.
The legal drinking age?: Should be higher, in my opinion.
Porn?: It doesn't offend me, but I'm not gonna go out and pose for it.
Suicide?: Against, I think it's the easy way out.
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