(no subject)

Jul 10, 2009 18:28

It was pretty late. Between everyone helping, Nina had gotten most of her things moved into her apartment and her shop. She had a few more boxes of nicknacks, but said Geo could help her. Besides, it gave them an excuse to talk, without anyone else listening

Geo sat down in a booth. His mother stood behind her counter, smoking a cigarette. After a drag, she looked over at him. “Well?” He frowned and leaned back.

“Well what mom? I ain't jus' gonna tell ya everything. Ask a better damn question.”

She just smiled at him. “I see they haven't even attempted to teach you manners. Good. If you were prim and proper, I'd demand my son back.” She smashed her cigarette on the counter and stared at him over her glasses. “For one, I keep seeing you talk about being a rider in your posts.”

Geo raised an eyebrow. “Oh, I just got a motorcycle mom. No big deal.” She waved an arm and shook her head.

“Big deal. Allen's in on it, and some people you never talked about in your letters are in on it too. You talked about monsters and shit, and I want to know if you're caught up in some weird role play or if you're serious or if you're crazy.”

Geo knew that face. He knew if he tried to lie to her she'd probably kick his ass. “'Aight, Aight, jeez mom. Okay, so I was part of a group of people who were picked ta fight this bastard called Decade and monsters everywhere. 'Aight?”

Nina snorted and sat on the counter, half facing her son. “Proof. I know you've got a motorcycle, but I want to make sure you're not going around kicking people in the face after calling them a monster.”

Geo stood up, looked around, and finally went through some motions and quietly as he could, muttered 'Henshin.' under his breath. Nina stared at her son, and wondered if she needed some stronger liquor. Or weaker. She wasn't quite sure.

“...So you're... Not lying.” Geo shook his head and after a few seconds of messing with his belt, reverted back to his normal form. Nina looked at him, then sighed deeply. “I... Thought you weren't lying. But I had hoped you were just crazy.”

“...Nah. I'm one of the only sane people 'ere, mom. It's kinda weird. I thought Tokyo's public school system was bad, but I get 'ere, and I'm suddenly the most normal guy 'round.” Nina managed to laugh at that, much to her son's surprise.

“Well, they... They seem to be a good group of people, Geo. And if they've helped you get along this far, you don't need me to mother hen you, do you?”

Geo raised an eyebrow, very much confused. “Uh. I guess? I thought ya came all the way 'ere ta see me an' tell me how ta live my life, like ya always do.” Nina sighed again and started up another cigarette. “I mean, there ain't nothing wrong with that, mom. It's kinda what ya do.”

“Really? You're expecting me to pry into your personal business and snoop and worry about you?” Geo nodded vigorously.

“Yeah. If ya didn't, I'd be really worried 'bout ya.”

She was smiling now, and had recovered from the shock of watching her son turn into an armored figure. “...You still haven't grown a brain, have you son?”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean, mom?!” He stood up, quite angry that his mom would resort to the same insults that... “Waitasecond. You started sayin' that 'bout me years ago.”

“I did. You're a pretty sweet kid, y'know.” Geo was far too flustered to have a smart-ass remark, and just sat back down. “Alright, so I've got permission to pry and snoop. You said it yourself. I'm not going to worry though.”

“Huh? I thought...” She cut him off with a wave of her hand.

“No, no. You're a big boy and don't need your mom worrying about you. And if I AM going to worry about you, I'm going to worry about your problems with women instead of kicking ass. You've never been good with girls. But you've always been good at beating the shit out of things.” They shared a smile, before Nina moved onto the next topic. “So, what's her name?”

“Dammit mom! You said if I told you the truth, I wouldn't have to go through this!”

“I did, didn't I? But... I don't think you're gay. That sort of made things a little more complicated.”

“.....What.” Geo hoped she wasn't going to bring what came to mind up.

“Well, there was just... I don't know. Between you and Onni and Allen, there was a general air of friendship. But between you and Suguru, I could cut that air with a knife, then serve it as frozen cheesecake. I'm not dumb, son.”

Geo slammed his head against the table. “It's... Nothing like that. I swear.” Nina giggled and polished off her cigarette.

“Really? Because I could ask Suguru myself. I don't mind if you're dating a man, Geo. Especially after some of the threads I've read of you two going back and forth. Oh, I remember there was this one girl I met while working in Ohio...”

“Goddammit mom! It's nothing like that! The girl... Uh... Well. Y'know. She doesn't wanna be seen. She's uh... Shy! Yeah.”

“Really?” Her tone was flat and her blank stare didn't bother Geo.

“Yeah, I'll... Uh. I'll get her 'ere somehow. If she doesn't... Uh.. Abuse me first. Yeah. I'vegottagomomloveyabyebye.” And with that, Geo ran out of the restaurant, not stopping until he had hit the yellow dorms.

“...At least he hasn't changed at all. I wonder how much Allen could tell me.” Nina started to close shop, musing that entire conversation over in her head. At least she wasn't going to be bored.
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