haha donny just got jacked

Jul 14, 2004 17:18

.001. ] Name: Danny
.002. ] Gender: male
.003. ] Age: 16
.004. ] Birthday: december 8
.005. ] Height: 5'7
.006. ] Hair color: brown
.007. ] Eye color: brown
.008. ] Race: cubano
.009. ] Is your hair long or short: middle?
.010. ] Repping: all my bois on the east side (of us1)
.011. ] Zodiac sign: capricorn
.012. ] How many languages do you know: english and spanish
.013. ] Nationality: born in miami, but im still cuban!
.014. ] Piercings you have: none
.015. ] Piercings you want:none
.016. ] Tattoos you have: none
.017. ] Tattoos you want: a pantehr clawing into my right bicep
.018. ] Today's date: July 14, 2004
.019. ] The time: 5:22PM

» S C H O O L «

.020. ] Are you still in school: ya
.021. ] Did you drop out: nope
.022. ] Favorite grade: 8th
.023. ] Least favorite grade: proly this one commin up
.024. ] Favorite teacher : middle skewl spanish teacher
.025. ] Least favorite teacher: probaly kammons, but there r others
.026. ] Favorite subject: math
.027. ] Least favorite subject: history
.028. ] Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: bought.
.029. ] Play any sports on the school's team: currently, wrestling. past, football
.030. ] Are/were you popular: sure?
.031. ] Most humiliating moment: i dunno which one to pick, plus theyre humiliating so i dun wanna tell...
» F A V O R I T E «

.032. ] Number: 8
.033. ] Clothing brand: anything.
.034. ] Shoes: vans
.035. ] Saying: "it aint no thang bubba!!"
.036. ] Tv show: i dun watch tv enuff to have a fave..
.037. ] Sport: wrestling/football, depends if im eatchin or playin
.038. ] Vegetable: ?
.039. ] Fruit: bananas
.040. ] Movie: at the moment, probaly troy
.041. ] Magazine: nethin with nice cars or video games :)
.042. ] Candy: starburst
.043. ] Gum: all
.044. ] Scent: a lot of incense smells r nice...
.045. ] Ice cream flavor: mint chocolate chip
.046. ] Color:blue,red
.047. ] Season: wrestling season! woo!
.048. ] Holiday: christmas, stuff ur face and get presents!
.049. ] Type of music: just about everything
.050. ] Thing in your room: my bed, tv, a mirror, shelves
.051. ] Bands: red hot chilli pepers, sublime, marcy playground, rammstein, theres a bunch..
.052. ] Books: i dun read, but fight club was damn good
.053. ] TV channel: comedy central
.054. ] Junk food: mmm...bk....
.055. ] Overall food: anything italian
.056. ] Shoe brand: who cares
.057. ] Fast food: bk
.058. ] Restaurant:shorty's
.059. ] Shape: wtf...
.060. ] Time of day: morning
.061. ] Country: CUBA!!
.062. ] State: havent been to many, but its between fl and nc
.063. ] Boys name: vincent
.064. ] Girls name: stephanie
.065. ] Mall: sunset
.066. ] Car: lamborghini murcielago
.067. ] Word: ?
.068. ] Month: december
.069. ] Disney character: simba?
.070. ] Scary movie: does freddy vs jason count?
» H A V E / W O U L D Y O U E V E R . . «

.102. ] Pictured your crush naked?: not the current one
.103. ] Actually seen your crush naked: no
.104. ] Been in love: yes
.105. ] Cried when someone died: yes
.106. ] Drank alcohol: yes
.107. ] Lied: yes
.108. ] Eat crap for $1,000,000: yes
.109. ] Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: yea if i like her a lot...
.110. ] Lie to the police: yeah.
.111. ] Run from the police: no
.112. ] Lie to your parents: yup. =(
.113. ] Walk up to a stranger and kiss them: hell yea
.114. ] Walk out of a restaurant without paying:hells no
.115. ] Flashed someone: i have no boobs..so no?
.116. ] Told the person you liked how you felt: yes=(
.117. ] Gone to jail or juvi: no
.118. ] Stolen anything: yes.
.120. ] Kicked someone's ass: sure have
.121. ] Broke a beer bottle: no
.122. ] Gotten into a bar, under-aged: nope
.123. ] Kissed someone of the same sex: nope
.124. ] Gone on a road trip: yup.
.125. ] Gone on vacation without adult supervision: sadly no
.126. ] Been to a concert: nope
.127. ] Been to another country: yup bahamas
.128. ] Talked back to an adult: yup.
.129. ] Got pulled over: no.
.130. ] Got in a car accident: nope
.131. ] Broke a law: yes
.132. ] Given money to a homeless person: yup.
.134. ] Tried to kill yourself: nope
.135. ] Cried to get out of trouble:hell nah
.136. ] Kissed a friend's brother or sister: yup...
.137. ] Kissed a brother or sister's friend:ya
.138. ] Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?:yes..what..they're not gonna die.

» Y E S OR N O «

.195. ] Are you a vegetarian:no
.196. ] Do you like cows: yes they taste good
.197. ] Are you a bitch: only to ass holes
.198. ] Are you artistic: somewhat, depends wut im doin
.199. ] Do you write poetry: only when i feel i need to, not necesarily school lol
.200. ] Are you a fast runner: yes
.201. ] Can you ski: no
.202. ] Are you British: no
.203. ] Are you straight: yes
.204. ] Are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: no...maybe
.205. ] Are you fat:.... yes and no
.206. ] Are you short: kinda
.207. ] Are you tall: no way...
.208. ] Do you own a hot pink shirt: no
.209. ] How about orange pants? i got 2 pairs of orange shorts, does that count?
.210. ] Are you evil: no
.211. ] Is Britney a whore: no but shes dumb
.212. ] Am I annoying you: yes
.213. ] Are you secretly from another planet: mars maybe..
214. ] Did you ever touch someone else's private parts: yes, but it was all in good fun.

» P R I V A T E «

.139. ] Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: no
.140. ] Do you have a crush: yes
.141. ] Do you love anyone right now: not in love, if thats wut u mean
.142. ] Have you ever been in love: yes
.143. ] How many people have you kissed: ...dunno
.144. ] Who was your first kiss: naomi....
.145. ] How many hearts have you broken: more then i wanted to
.146. ] How many people broke your heart: 1? maybe 2
.147. ] Best quote to sum up your heart: hmm i dont feel like thinkin right now
.148. ] So what is your bf/gf/crush like: hmm...shes a bad girl...
.149. ] Do you have a picture of him/her: nope
.150. ] Please post it if you do: dont got it..
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