Сюжет телеканала Аль-Джазира о призывнике Романе Суслове

Jul 14, 2010 21:55

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Russian conscripts allegedly killed for their organs

The Russian army is fighting accusations of bullying and murder after the mysterious death of a young conscript. Just a few days after beginning his military service, 19-year-old Roman Suslov was found dead. His family and human rights groups believe he was murdered and his internal organs were sold. Al Jazeera's Neve Barker reports from Omsk in Siberia.

Ранее об этм случае у себя в ЖЖ писал Алексей Навальный

а также сайт ОмскПолитический:
Страшная правда об убитом солдате
К делу Романа Суслова подключились приморские прокуроры

Cуслов, politomsk.ru

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