Session 15: RAMSCOORRNNNN!!!

Aug 21, 2012 13:29

As we last left out group of intrepid adventurers they had just beaten Wiel, the gnoll ranger. They lugged some of the armor and weapons back upstairs this session and rested up in the 'pedestal room', which they could lock.

Then they went on 'the hunt for the bracer' and cast locate object on level 2. The bracer was detected in the direction of Ramscorn. First they encountered the cilindrical room with the chest and screaming poison and everything. So the cleric and warrior strip down so they can descend. Once down they lasso the chest off the edge and check it out. Ravion goes 'oh oh' as they realise what is up on this level with the font of dreams.

Then the owlbear joins in. Crazed and running in it jumps down, taking a lot of falling damage, and starts flailing around. The party immediately reacts and chops it down with a vengenge and a well aimed crit from Summer. It still did a few solid hits though and was a wake up call.

Then we spend quite some time on the next encounter. They heard a sleeping goblin, peeked into the next room and saw one laying in a bunkbed. So Summer sneaks towards it. Then peeks up, sees several big orcs in the same room, grinning, and charging her, as she quickly activates her bracers and dashes back into the corridor.

Enter Ramscorn and friends. The goblin was really asleep though. So first of all Ravion blinds an orc, who stumbles around the next 5 or so rounds, looking for something to hit. Eventually he finds a bunkbed, impressive. Ramscorn immediately gets to slaying. Summer tries to tumble past him and fails miserably as Ramscorn gets a crit on his greataxe and cuts her down in one harsh slash. "RAMMSCOORRNNN!" he bellows as the party brings everything they have to bear on the raging barbarian orc.

The other orcs and a human get dealt with ok, but by then several goblins have joined the fighting from an adjacent room, as well as the goblin that was waking up. The goblins don't manage to do a lot. Summer manages to get back up and in position to flank Ramscorn. He will have none of that though! As he slices her down again (and part of a bunkbed). At this point I realise he has dodge, and declare it.

Ramscorn got beaten pretty badly and rays of enfeeblement, etc. was cramping his style by now. Then his rage also runs out and he starts to slow down. Though Kharzak gets hit in the face twice and goes down to 0 hitpoints. He figures let's cast a spell to get back higher, but he fails his defensive casting roll and takes a hitpoint of damage for doing a standard action. He falls unconcious. Ravion manages to heal him up with his wand though.

So Kharzak gets back up, but is promptly attacked of opportunitied down again. Just Roa, Ravion and Ramscorn left by now. Ravion chooses to use his familiar to deliver a touch attack. I rolled for it, and Ramscorn didn't understand the significance of the familiar in his attack range, so he chose to attack Roa. By then Roa had a high AC and Ramscorn had minusses everywhere so she managed to finally put him down. Cheers went through the room, as this was an epic battle.

They looted the place and when I described the bracer they were quite happy and went sort of like "Squeeeee!"

They headed back to town and had a quick run in with the B-team. They had apparantly found an empty bottom in a chest in the 'fridge room', but found the chests empty otherwise and were blaming the party. Some nice tension building there. Barbuckle's hair was waving in the wind again, even though there was none. Which prompted Ravion to cast prestidigitation and do the same. Barbuckle countered with making his cloak wave as well. It's an old fashioned 'show-off'.

So they returned to Brindenford and did some town things. They donated some of the weapons and armor to the city watch (for a very small price) and got updated on Bestial Host movements. They also tracked down Nostell, the bracer man. Actually Moonshade, the raven, asked Taran at the Lost Shepard ("Awww you are such a cute little birdy, yes you are.") And she woke up Judello with a broomstick, who knew he stayed at the Bridgeman. This was a good moment for me to introduce the Bridgeman, so I did.

They found Nostell and had a little talk. I let a diplomacy check determine what house they would get. It's a respectable building, but not the biggest. Though Nostell did point out he has several other buildings in the area for sale.

It should be said I had the opportunity to flesh out some of the Brindenford NPCs here, which I happily took advantage of.

We called it then. Next session I will be physrepping the house, drawing a floorplan up in advance. Oh and Ravion's player has A3 and A0 versions of the Brindenford map which we will be using to make clearer where things are in Brindenford.

[Owlbear jumps in the pit]

[Ramscorn! As he takes out the rogue in one crit]

[Suddenly, goblins, everywhere]
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