Group A session 3
Kythorn 14, 1479 DR
The party decides to sneak into beast god territory of the dungeon through the secret door from the pool room. Summer takes the lead. The corridor is empty, no one seems near. They listen to the two doors, behind one they hear low voices. Some orcish voices. They decide to check the other room first.
The rooms turns out to be a bedroom of some kind. There is a big bed on one side and three additional sleeping spots on the ground. It stinks of ale and orc. They do a quick search of the room and find a lockbox under the bed. "Awesome" Summer mutters, as she gets to work on the lock. After a while she gets it and unlocks the box. For their trouble they find some masterwork thieves tools, a healers kit and a yellow agate.
They then plan to crash the party of the orcs behind the other door. Roa kicks open the door and charges in. She enters a temple of some sort. The ceiling is painted black and there are red and black curtains on the walls. In the east side of the room is a niche with a stone slab altar, bloodstained. Two braziers light the room. Besides that, there is also the matter of about eight humanoids that didn't expect Roa to burst through that door. There are several degenerated humans, goblins, kobolds and even two hobgoblins. [I rolled to see who would be here, Bodor wasn't]
The moment Roa charges into the room she realises a strange presence, a dark presence, that compells her to let loose and rage. She does not submit to the unnerving feeling. She immediately smashes the head of a goblin before it even knows what is happening. The rest of the group also doesn't submit to the urge to rage as they enter the room. Ravion takes out three of them with a well aimed sleep spell and Kharzak starts whacking another goblin. Summer moves into position.
They caught the creatures off guard, but now they have a chance to strike back. Most of the creatures in the room yell out "For the beast-god!" in orcish, roar, get a reddish glow in their eyes and attack! As it turns out two more monsters were around the corner and charge Kharzak and Ravion respectively. Ravion manages to dodge the attack of the hobgoblin, but only barely. [His PC saw himself die right there at this moment]
With all the raging creatures, not watching their flanks, the party is able to dispatch them rather quickly. Still covered in the blood of their enemies and trying to catch their breath a door to the west opens to allow an orc they have seen before to enter. The one that got away! The orc looks at the party standing between the corpses of his fellows, turns, and runs out of the door (again). The party decides not to pursue.
They loot the bodies, find nearly nothing, and quickly decide to vacate the place. It reeks of death. They retreat through the main exit this time. They figure sleeping in the dungeon might be to risky afterall [I was happy they took the hint of the previous night with all the random encounters]
They sleep outside, healing up and talking tactics.
Kythorn 15, 1479 DR
The party gets up bright and early (as usual with the morninglord Kharzak). They have a quick breakfast as Moonshade flies in with a huge rat. "That's a good raven." Ravion casually remarks. [Moonshade caught a dire rat from a random encounter that night] The party decides to head back into Dragon's Delve and explore the western wing some more.
They pass the room with the frescos and the secret stairs down. [The players were scared to 'head to level 2 already' so they bypassed the stairs under the tile leading to the sigil] They decide to check out the room with the cubs again. They send in moonshade and slowly progress through the corridor. Suddenly they hear a low growl that seems to say "Stay away".
"Kitty" Summer remarks, as a mountain lion blocks their path to the cubs. Not wolves then, mountain lions. She obviously means business. The group considers proceeding. Roa hears some more movement in the room ahead though. [An exceptional listen check] "I don't think she's alone" as the party hastily retreats. The mountain lions don't seem to give chase, preferring to stay with their cubs.
They decide to check out the corridor sloping down to the east. They enter a huge room with a higher ceiling. Several doors line the room and two balconies lined with a small marble fences look out over the room. Bookcases scattered everywhere. This was obviously once a library. In the middle of the room the group spots three bodies.
They quickly decide to check it out, finding that they have been dead for quite a while. Kharzak quickly says a few prayers, before checking the bodies for any treasure. [Unfortunately for Kharzak's player he failed a fortitude check and contracted the Shakes, but he doesn't know this yet] He is able to retrieve two flasks of what appears to be clear water. [Holy water]
In the meanwhile Ravion checks out the balconies. One is practically empty, while the other hold a double bronze door with two faces. As he approaches, the faces open their eyes wide and stare ahead. "Interesting", Ravion mutters. A quick detect magic is cast and the door is most definately enchanted, as are the flasks Kharzak just found. The group gathers around the door.
"Should I touch it?" Summer grins.
Kharzak almost touches the door. "Not you, if you get wounded we don't have anyone to stabilize you.", "Ah right, good point"
Summer touches the cold metal of the door. Suddenly the doors speaks!
"Down below mother moon
About the lands, a sacred gloom
Reaching across the midnight sky
Knowing the truths that make you cry
Night imbued with his very essence
Eternal light forbids his presence
Secret questions you dare to ask
Shadows are his faithful mask"
"Ah a riddle" Ravion mutters. The group looks at each other, shrug and look a bit more. Then, almost at the same time, Summer and Roa mutter "It's darkness" and the doors open wide. [The women outsmarted the guys!]
[We decided to call it here. Was getting late and it was a nice point. Next session: 25th of january]