I am totally posting my blog. I'll be all over the place, thank you very much.
Let's see:
- Got rid of my traditional drow picture on LJ. Didn't like it anymore.
- Went to Badger's Business, was a lot of fun. Totally wore a 3 piece suit, pocketwatch, cravat and everything.
- bramhaze and me are making a pathfinder tool where you will be able to put your character in and it will do all the calculations and everything. We hope to extend it with social functionality (forum, etc. Perhaps achievements (get a character to level 1)). First goal is to allow the system to accept a simple level 1 elf fighter, because those are the easiest when it comes to the data-modelling. Oh btw, if anyone has an idea for a name, we still need one!
- Willeke has pointed me towards fitocracy.com. A 'silly' concept perhaps, quests, achievements, points, etc. all for fitness. Think cycling, lifting stuff, running, swimming, sporting. It is all combined in a facebook-like 'wall' where you can see what your friends are doing. You can also post their profiles and go 'woosh! Eat my traildust, I just levelled and you are WAY behind'. It's much fun and made me do some running (I totally did 1 mile in 9:52 min)
- In rpg land all my parties are running very nicely. The Pathfinder group, running through Serpent's Skull, is a lot of fun. Played last night, keep it coming. Next up Dragon's Delve.
- Failsafe has been open for a bit and it seems that we will get a full house easy (not blowing the horn and all). Just realised there are bugs in the site system for backup lists... ouch. Gotta go develop it quickly before we hit the cap!
That's all for now I think. Yup.