(no subject)

Dec 11, 2008 20:45

Your result for The Alignment Test...


56% Good, 68% Chaotic

Plane of Existence: Arborea, "Arvandor, Olympus, Olympian Glades". Notable Inhabitants: Titans & gods of Greek mythology; Eladrin.

Examples of Chaotic-Goods (Ethically Chaotic, Morally Good)

Tifa Lockheart (FFVII)

Captain Kirk

Robin Hood

Thomas Jefferson

Oscar Wilde

Peregrin Took

Jim Hawkins

Austin Powers

Walt Whitman


Han Solo

The Flash

Unwilling to be governed by the laws and desires of any group. Interacts with others on a one-to-one basis and, within such bounds, follows the good ethic of upholding rights. The stereotypical chaotic-good [person] is the white knight who refuses to join any group and goes about on his/her own, doing good.

Will keep their word to others of good alignment

Would not attack an unarmed foe

Will not use poison

Will help those in need

Prefers to work alone

Responds poorly to higher authority

Distrustful of organizations

Chaotic Good "Beatific"


A chaotic good [person] acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He is kind and benevolent, a strong individualist hostile to the claims of rules, regulations, and social order. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He will actively work to bring down unjust rulers and organizations and to liberate the oppressed. He finds lawful societies distasteful and will avoid them, often living as a nomad or hermit. The best example of a chaotic good [person] is one of the benevolent rogue who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.

Chaotic good combines a good heart with a free spirit.

Other Alignments and Tendencies (Tendenices are what you would more often sway towards; esp. for Neutrals):

0-39% Good, 0-39% Chaotic: Lawful-Evil

0-39% Good, 40-60% Chaotic: Neutral-Evil

0-39% Good, 61-100% Chaotic: Chaotic-Evil

40-60% Good, 0-39% Chaotic: Lawful-Neutral

40-60% Good, 40-60% Chaotic: True Neutral

40-60% Good, 61-100% Chaotic: Chaotic-Neutral

61-100% Good, 0-39% Chaotic: Lawful-Good

61-100% Good, 40-60% Chaotic: Neutral-Good

Take The Alignment Test
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