I dont expect many to read this.

Nov 11, 2006 23:38

A rough draft of some of what I have been thinking about.

“Unless primitive man had noticed the regularity with which natural phenomena recur and unless he were inwardly convinced that every event had a cause to account for it, he would not have resorted to the creation of such deities in explanation of them”

- M. Hiriyanna

The Bible

While this book is one of most inspiring pieces of literature it is at the same time the most controversial books ever written. Many Christians and religious people in general have never read this piece of work cover to cover; instead they just take what someone else says for truth. Thus, the point of this work is to prove (that while believing in it is not wrong) there are certainly many parts that are myth and should be addressed as such. Please note that the purpose is not to disprove God. I, myself, firmly believe in God and his goodness.


This particular book in the Bible has a total metaphorical background and should be read as such.

As readers, logical thinkers, and fundamental religious people we cannot argue over “God days” because such an argument is circular and will lead us nowhere. With that said let us believe that God created the earth in seven days (whatever ‘days’ you believe in); that is all well and good. In those days we have the creation of the heavens, earth, and all living things, including man. I would like to point out the fallacy, please note Genesis 1:27:

“God created man in this image;
In the divine image he created him
Male and female he created them.”

This is a very nice and poetic parable and to the average reader it is the start of the human race. From reading this one would think that both male and female have just been created, but you are fooled because in Genesis 2:18 -25 God decides that there is not enough things for Adam so He decides to create more animals and the first female. Hold on one second. Wouldn’t both of these things already have been created? Hey, that’s not all. If we go by the Hebrew bible Eve was NOT the first woman created. Nope; there was another before her named Lilith who wanted to lie on top of Adam, but Adam said “no”, so God kicked her out.

Hopefully we all know the story of the fall of man, if not I would encourage you to read Genesis 3, which is the whole chapter. In this chapter we find another fallacy in Genesis 3:5:

“No God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like the gods who know what is good and what is bad.”

Yes, ok. Admittedly we know that it’s the evil snake talking here, but please take special notice that he says “like the gods who know,” not God. This is important because God himself says something to the same effect a few verses later. Typically most Christians would say that since it is the snake talking “we cannot trust what is said” but I would like to point out that since it is in the bible and since God says Genesis 3:22:

“Then the Lord God said: “See! The man has become like one of us, knowing what is good and what is bad!”

Well, God has now referred to more than one being. Who? We have not heard about other gods before. Oh wait, we have; the snake told us. Most Christians interpret this line to mean the Holy Trinity. Yet, if we take the book of Genesis as a book alone there is no mention of the Holy Spirit or of Jesus. Also if this book of the Bible is to tell the creation of the world why would there be a mention of the Holy Trinity? Further more, this raises the question did God know that Adam and Eve would eat the apple? The average Christian would have to say ‘yes’ because ‘God knows all’. Well then why did He play games with Adam, Eve and Lilith rather than seeing if they would obey Him? That is a good waste of time.

We will put God wasting His time aside and move on. Adam and Eve are now banished from the garden and are the only two people on the whole earth. They copulate and make Cain and Abel. Cain decides to kill Abel because Abel’s offering to God is far better than his. Cain wishes to kill himself but God says no way Jose. In Genesis 4: 15-16 God says:

“Not so! If any one kills Cain, Cain shall be avenged sevenfold.” So the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest anyone should kill him at sight. Cain then left the Lord’s presence and setteled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.”

If you are reading this I hope you see what is wrong. God has marked Cain because if anyone should kill him God will avenge him sevenfold. Did you find it? Who was God talking to the only people on the earth are Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel (who is dead), so I ask you who would be threatening to Cain? Nobody because Adam and Eve have already pissed off God enough they would not want to make Him more angry. Hopefully you are starting to see that the Genesis story is a myth and when read analytically, one begins to understand that this book in the Bible is merely a story of how humans are trying to describe their world around them. If not, here is another example. Genesis 4:17:

“Cain had relations with is wife [Seth], and she conceived and bore Enoch. Cain also became a founder of a city, which he named after his son Enoch.”

Did you do a double take? Where did Seth come from? All of a sudden we now have a new character in the story that seemingly came out of the ground. The Christian argument is that ‘God put her there,’ and this argument is based on nothing, not even logic. Think people, God is mad at Cain; He marked him so Cain would have to live with his deed for the rest of his life. Why would God favor Cain enough to give him a wife? It makes no sense. That must mean that there are other people on the Earth to begin with and this story is only a metaphor, but if you still want to believe that it’s true let’s dissect the latter a little more. Cain became a founder of a city with only him, his wife (who magically appeared) and his son Enoch. Now if you continue reading Enoch has a son. Where did Enoch’s son come from? Well, the only woman near him is Seth so that means he must have... You guessed it. He had intercourse with his mom; guess what else? That is a sin. Some Christians say that God allowed that so the earth could be populated, this belief has no logical background because scientific studies today show that performing that act with ones mother leads to physical deformities and mental retardation. If that indeed happen there would be a bunch of retards running around on the Earth. Now do you still believe that the story of creation is the truth?
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