
Jan 03, 2010 07:12

I was thinking last night that memories affect me too much. Or at least some specific ones do. I still can't watch/read/whatever Lord of the Rings without tears in my eye, especially the last one. I associate it too strongly with Jess. There's a couple other small things, most notably various birthdays. And French. Can't deal with that very well.

I say this, because I saw Avatar the other day. Stay with me now. I saw avatar, and I really enjoyed it. The graphics were amazing, and I didn't have the problems with plot/characters that others seemed to harp on. I was talking with a friend about it last night, and she called shenanigans on one of my favorite parts. Then I said it reminded me of something. And as soon as I remembered what exactly, my entire night was ruined. Cried myself to sleep and all that jazz.

i'm sure most of you are wondering just what the triggering memory was. Well, I'd rather not say. Of course, that narrows it down to all of 2 people who read this blog, but oh well. With any luck, each one will think it was t'other.

The reason I say too much, is the whole Jess thing went down back in HS. 11th or 12th grade. I was telling my friend (same one) about what my 10th grade English teacher said as well, and that still bothers me. 10th grade was also the worst year wrt. all the stuff w/ Lauren, since it was all fresh then after the horrible freshman year. Actually, it was still going on, since she didn't leave till that summer. Tail end of 3 years of torture.

I want to be over it. Or at least the stuff that happened a couple years ago. It's not like I'm even trying to patch things up with them. And in my line of work, I can hardly afford to antagonize LotR. I'm sure sooner or later, I'm going to have to face the facts...but for now, I still have hope. Even just a little, it's HOPE.
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