Finally getting unlazy

Nov 21, 2009 19:01

Whether all of these apply to T&T is unlikely, but they will to AT.

Antdot - Poison antidote
Cure - Restores a small amount of physical stamina
Cure 2 - Restores a moderate amount of physical stamina
Life - Revives a knocked out party member with 25% of their physical stamina
Regen - Slowly restores physical stamina over time
Remedy - cures any status ailment but “Zombie”
Bio - poisons a target
Bolt - small amount of lightning damage
Bolt 2 - moderate lightning damage
Break - attempts to Petrify one target
Demi - attempts to take 50% of target’s physical stamina
Doom - attempts instant disable / knock out of one target
Drain - takes physical stamina from target and attempts to heal the caster of the same amount
Fire - light fire damage
Fire 2 - moderate fire damage
Ice - light ice damage
Ice 2 - moderate ice damage
(in canon, she has an affinity towards ice magic, so eventually she will be able to automatically learn Ice 3, but it’ll take a while)
Bserk - makes an ally / target attack uncontrollably
Dispel - removes positive spell effects from a target
Float - levitates target, causes immunity to earth magic (like Quake) but double weakness to wind magic
Haste - speeds up one ally
Imp - applies “Imp” status to one target
Muddle - confuses one target
Mute - negates one target’s ability to cast spells / speak
Osmose - takes spirit/magical energy from one target and applies to caster
Rasp - nullifies target’s spirit/magical energy
Rflect - puts up magic-reflecting wall in front of target
Safe - increases target’s physical defense
Shell - increases target’s magical defense
Sleep - puts target to sleep
Slow - slows down a target
Vanish - makes a target invisible until they attack
Warp - removes party from a dungeon or battle

pending at, absolute_hold, ooc, spell list

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