Ringing In The New Year Comment Ficathon

Dec 31, 2014 10:24

Welcome to the Last Comment Ficathon of the Year!

Well, it's the last day of 2k14, so why not go out with a bang and have a comment ficathon. Or get an early jump and start of 2k15 with the right priorities, and that's fic.

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lynzie914 March 15 2015, 21:27:44 UTC
I totally understand your pain. You are right. pain/anger that is. Like there are things about her storyline I like, and now she knows everything, so you know, I'm super excited about that.

But there are so many buts that come with it.

Like I can totally feel her guilt for being the weapon that killed Sara. That fits, but her being upset about Malcolm, I feel like she was manipulated into feelling guilt about sending him to his death. Does no one remember that she shot Malcolm last season? And she did it thinking he would be dead and never get up again? She did that and she probably would have felt it later yes, but she still did it, with barely any hesitation. This time she set him up to face for his crimes.

I'm holding on to hope though (because I do that), that that line "only the student can defeat the master" or whatever it was close to that...will eventually apply to Thea and Malcolm. That he'll become the Big Bad for sure (because he already is but they have Ra's mixed in) and she'll be the only one able to take him out.

I want it. I want it so bad.

And I think I got away from my point with other feelings...but I totally agree. The good thing is people like Laurel are telling her its not her fault and for Thea its probably Laurel that matters the most because sisters. BUT yes, she shouldn't be forced to feel the guilt of something she didn't do and she shouldn't be seeking some sort of atonement for it. The only thing I can think is hopefully Nyssa will somehow get through to her, understanding what Merlyn did. But....still.

this was a post full of rambling and feelings and prbably doesn't make sense.

but its basically a big yes to everything you said. and a your story is better than canon in case you didn't already know that. ;D and I'm always here for thea thoughts. and sobs.


kwritten March 18 2015, 03:23:47 UTC
That he'll become the Big Bad for sure (because he already is but they have Ra's mixed in) and she'll be the only one able to take him out.

This is the most gorgeous dream of all.

I'm so glad you feel my feels.


lynzie914 March 18 2015, 04:46:03 UTC
It is my dream. And if canon does not supply it for me, I might write it myself.

but really how more perfect could it be? the foreshadowing would be perfect.

we feel the feels. and we're here for each other. we can form a club or a support group or something. for the people who feel all the thea feels and the canon that keeps stepping on them.

*angry thea icon seems appropiate*


kwritten March 18 2015, 04:55:51 UTC

*sobs* yes a club. let's do it.

A "save all the ladies from Oliver Queen" club

(I wrote domestic!bliss Laurel/Felicity+Sara yesterday and now I feel SO ASHAMED that Thea wasn't involved.)


lynzie914 April 2 2015, 22:05:10 UTC
I MAKE NO PROMISES. especially because all i have in my head is thea kills malcolm and the student becomes the master. but maybe. it is a thing that should be written.

really why is not written already? somebody should have.

I like this idea. a loving of all the ladies of arrow club. it should most defenitely be a thing.

(I so have to go searching for this to read it because I missed it. but you know I think Thea would understand. we can just go with she was of doing bad things so she could hang out that night. *nodsnods*)


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