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trillianastra March 24 2013, 21:44:59 UTC

I can be whatever you want me to be; hook/aurora, emma, snow, mulan

“Aurora will keep me company, won’t you, sweetheart?” Hook said with a wink.

Aurora looked at him, affronted. “I don’t think so. I happen to like nice men,” she retorted. “Not pirates.”

“I am very nice!”

“You’re a pirate. You… steal things. And you can’t be trusted.”

“I can be trustworthy if you want me to be,” he smirked suggestively.

“Ugh! See, you’re hopeless..” Aurora turned away from him.

“Hey! Hey, you think I’m nice, don’t you?” He said to Mulan.

Mulan kept on cleaning her sword and said, “Don’t talk to me,” without looking up.

Emma and Snow reappeared in the clearing, each with an armful of firewood. “Swan! You think I’m nice, right?”

Emma just looked at him. “You’re kidding, right?”

“He’s trying to prove a point,” Aurora said.


“So you’re not going to answer me? Rude,” he said, shaking his head.

Emma sighed. “Nice is not the word I would use.” Turning to Mulan she said, “Do you think we should gag him?”

“I think we have bigger worries. I’m going to go out and try to find some food, you two should take turns on watch.” With that, she stood up and stalked away into the forest.

Emma and Snow looked at each other. “I’ll take first watch,” Snow said. “You should get some sleep.”

Once Snow had moved to the edge of the clearing, and Emma had settled down by the fire, Aurora was left with no-one for company but Hook.

At first she just kept looking at the fire, or at the leaves at her feet, anything to avoid looking at him. Then she glanced over at him. Was he asleep? She snuck another look. His eyes were closed, certainly, his head leaning to one side.

“Hook,” she whispered.

He didn’t reply, or even open his eyes. Maybe he really was asleep… she took the opportunity to study him. He was… not unpleasant, to look at, though he looked nothing like Philip (Philip would never have worn so much leather). She looked around, saw that Snow had her back turned and Emma was asleep, and inched closer.

“Couldn’t resist, could you?” he said softly.

She almost jumped out of her skin. “I thought you were asleep!”

“Mmhm… well, I was trying, but being tied to a tree is not the most comfortable sleeping position. If you untied me, though…”


He was quiet for what seemed like forever, then he said quietly. “That’s not my name, you know.”

“Well, obviously. What sort of a name would that be?”

“You’re clearly not going to ask, but.. it’s Killian. My name.”

Now it was Aurora’s turn to break the awkward silence. “It’s a nice name.”

“So you do think something about me is nice, then,” he said, “…sorry, I couldn’t resist.”


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