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Comments 346

magisterequitum May 30 2012, 00:01:51 UTC
Questions? Comments? Concerns?


mortaltemples May 30 2012, 13:48:55 UTC
Sorry! I'm super-new to lj and I'm trying to post a link to a fill, but it keeps getting marked as spam...any idea what I'm doing wrong? :)


magisterequitum May 30 2012, 14:19:46 UTC
Hmmm, I'm not sure why it would be doing that. You're not posting Anon are you? And even then, I've got Anon on.

What happens when you post your comment?


mortaltemples May 30 2012, 14:23:36 UTC
It just says something like "because of this journal's settings, your comment has been marked as spam". :|


magisterequitum May 30 2012, 00:02:05 UTC
Filled Prompts


khlassique May 30 2012, 00:05:27 UTC
with this long last rush of air, we'll speak our vows of starry whisper


myrishswamp May 30 2012, 00:16:14 UTC
r u d e


khlassique May 30 2012, 00:19:14 UTC
xoxo gossip lobster


the_stark_words May 30 2012, 02:47:41 UTC
the one that tugs their hearts together (robb/sansa; PG13)They live a thousand leagues apart, her in a castle and him in the mud, weighed down respectively by courtesy and rusting armor. Their circumstances are vastly different, and for all the threads that lay tattered and broken, the one that tugs their hearts together strains but does not break. Which is why, in that first, electrifying moment of it, before everything goes wrong, when fear is still something they’re very used to feeling, they feel the familiarity of it crawling up their spines. And it’s as simple as that, really, comfort, and the knowledge that the other is still there. Sansa holds it to her like a blanket; Robb, like a sword, and it’s enough. For a long time it’s enough ( ... )


magisterequitum May 30 2012, 00:06:42 UTC
Young Justice + Artemis, Zatana + they're the only two left of the team


us_overlooked May 30 2012, 02:55:55 UTC
( father knows best [artemis, zatanna and the end of the world - yj] )
She's not sure what she expected. There was definitely a period of time where she would have wanted this. Would've wanted to be one of the last ones standing, would've been proud of it. But now all Artemis can think about are the people who got mowed down.


us_overlooked May 30 2012, 02:56:21 UTC
(it ended up mostly Artemis-centric whoops, sorry)


magisterequitum May 30 2012, 03:03:46 UTC
Ahhhh! No apologies, this is beautiful. And sad. Really sad. But so great. And that last line.

Thank you!


trysts May 30 2012, 00:06:50 UTC
Avatar: Legend of Korra; Mako + Korra; the violence is where we thrive


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