Title: Poli 100
Characters: Donna
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: The smallest of things can turn out to matter in our futures.
Disclaimer: Not mine. I only play for fun.
Feedback: Is always appreciated.
Author's Note: Written for
spyglass_ who requested "Donna-college". The Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison is nicknamed Madison.
Poli 100: Introduction to Government in the United States. It’s a class that most freshman enroll for, required or not.
She takes it in her second semester at Madison, a shy girl of only eighteen years. The class isn’t as fun as her previous drama one or as engaging as that intro psychology one. Nevertheless, she diligently takes notes, color coded, from her seat.
It’s during a Wednesday lecture when her professor is speaking about taxes, education, and social classes that she finds something worth underlining twice. It's inconsequential then, good for her final only.
She’ll think of that lecture years later when she’s driving to New Hampshire.
Title: Hey Mister Onstein, Here I Am
Characters: Rachel Berry
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: No one ever said it was easy.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. I only play for fun.
Feedback: Is always appreciated.
Author's Note: Written for
spyglass_ who requested 'Rachel - Broadway'.
It’s a long road to the Great White Way. There’re classes at NYU, an apartment that has pests for company, and rejection and after rejection along the way. It’s a long road but no one keeps Rachel Berry down for long.
Her intensity that drove away all her high school peers finally lands her the understudy for Maria. She gets her big break, so to speak, when the lead falls ill. Not that she’ll complain.
The spotlight finds her. That familiar thrum of adrenaline vibrates inside her skin. She sings with her soul reflected on her face.
It’s come full circle.