Title: A Good Cry
Characters: Megan
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: Megan finds release of her pent up emotions after the fight.
Disclaimer: Do not own. Do want.
Feedback: Is always and greatly appreciated.
Author's Note: See
Master List for all previous parts. Also, see Author's Comment below.
It was a long ride back to the hotel. Her head replayed every detail of the Sylar encounter, cataloging anything that would be useful later. She was still wound up tighter than a child’s toy. She drove on autopilot and would leave behind scorch marks on the steering wheel.
The hotel room was devoid of her partner upon entering, silence her only greeting. It was a good idea to use the time to shower off the sweat and bruises that will not fade for several days.
Collecting her things quickly, Megan dropped them on the counter. She leaned back against the bathroom door, closing her eyes for a few moments. When she opened them again, her reflection in the mirror found her.
The tired and beaten person is not what she wanted to see. Shaking all thoughts off, she turned the taps and climbed in. The hot water was soothing against her aching muscles and she took a few extra minutes.
A voicemail message told her she’d be alone for at least another hour or two. Sweatpants and shirt on, she lay down on the bed.
There, all alone, damp hair pressed to her neck, Megan curled into herself and cried.