Title: The Visible Spectrum (Part Two)
Characters: Caleb/Cordelia
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1, 826
Summary: Life is sometimes better told through color.
Disclaimer: I do not own Ian nor the mention of Don. I do own the others.
Feedback: Is greatly appreciated.
Author's Notes: The Blue color is connected to the
5th Snow Fic. We get sad in these.
Color can influence our emotions, our actions and how we respond to various people, things and ideas. )
Comments 12
Editing note:
have to right to mourn--have the
Other than that, I didn't notice anything else!
Thank you for that catch!
And Blue...too sweet.
Yeah, poor Eliot...normally he's handing out beat downs...but he got one tonight...suffered pretty badly too--couple of broken ribs and a concussion. He still won though! Woot! Best part--the actor he was fighting (Chris plays Eliot) was Chris's best friend from childhood--and the guys had the best time filming it!
Blue is sweet. It's sad but has an ending that tells that they're really committed to one another.
Aww. Poor Eliot. I do so love him. That's really cool about his best friend. I bet they did have tons of fun.
On the other hand... Add me to the list of women who would like a boyfriend/husband as considerate as Caleb is. I love how you show the interdependance of Cordelia and Caleb's relationship; he's not completely whipped by her and she's not a damsel in distress. In your fic, they're partners in life, and that makes me very happy.
I try hard to make that connection between the two. They're partners and that is true love. They rely on one another and feel deeply for one another.
You've done a wonderful job of showing that connection. :)
Thank you. I really truly love writing these two.
Nothing like beating up/getting beat up by your best friend...even if its faked!
(no idea why--but the link won't go html--so copy and paste.
Green: Ahh, yes. That is the true testiment. Although, I've taken care of my girl friends/best friends when they were sick.
Black: This one was the worst for me to write. Right before the 4th part and the wedding. But this was also one of the first scenes that came to me. It was very powerful in my mind and I just really wanted to do it. Sorry, Ian. I still love you. Caleb is really alone despite her being there. The family that he had died years before and then this tentative new one that he created with Ian is gone.
Blue: Blue is probably the most different. It's just a time in point that I wanted to use to show that they're relationship isn't always perfect and happy. You have fights and you have times when it's just stressful, but you have to work to make it better.
Thank you!
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