Aug 06, 2004 00:24
What weapon do we have against them?
Rebel maniacs who terrorize and rape defenseless Africans...fanatics who bring chaos to the isles of Indonesia and the Phillipines...old tyrannical regimes, whose fractured remnants seek to let the madness linger...
What do we do?
Do we kill? Do we wound? Imprison? or perhaps, debate?
Is this simply part of human be filled with selfish, egotist beliefs that cast a shadow on the source of truth that tells the stronger of us not to harm our fellow man? Should we perceive the horrors of humanity as an eternal aspect of existence, and periodically weaken it through war, knowing it shall rise again far fiercer than before?
How can we remind our foes that there's a source of truth that hides beneath inaccurate belief?
Can music bring the enemy to reason?
We have not created the resources that could possibly bring harmony to minds detuned by violent pasts...nor have we built the institutions powerful enough to teach the savage brain to recognize the latent conscience.
We do not have the time to wax philosophy and let ourselves reciprocate the blood they spilled.
We owe our children answers and a plan.
Is there one among you who can hear my plea?