It's been a long time.
We closed the schools to everyone but staff last week, and were kind of scrambling for ways to complete outstanding work with no students in sight. This week it's spring break, so I've got a week to practice how I'm going to go on. We've got video conferencing tools built into our learning management system, and they don't look too hard to manage.
I brought home both of the work laptops; one is school-issued and the other older one we purchased for yearook work. And I have one at home courtesy of my work with a provincial teachers' organization. I figure I can use one computer to play my PowerPoint/SMART Notebook files and cast them to my TV, another to manage the webcasting, and a third to read chat/comment with students. Here's hoping our WiFi can keep up with the demand! I'll definitely be putting the new fibre to the test over the next three months.
I acknowledge that I am ridiculously fortunate in these circumstances. My job will continue, we will be paid as usual (it's actually in our contract regarding mandated school closures), and I have the funds, technology and abilities to manage what for many people is an incredibly stressful event.
I miss seeing all of my friends at the pool, though I'm not horribly disappointed at not getting up at 5 any more to go swimming. All the rec centres have been shut down, and I'm waiting for the weather to warm enough so that the sidewalks are safer for walking. My knee has definitely not improved its attitude.
Hoping you're all keeping well, mentally and physically out there.
This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you please.