my computer network sucks.... a lot

Sep 23, 2003 04:10

so let me tell you a little bit about powerline access networking.

GREAT THEORY.... too bad it works like crap.

I just went downstairs to my router and accessed it from there... it isn't even recognizing my computer's Ethernet card. spiffy huh?

I first got it and it was cool, everything worked great for a month or two, then all hell broke loose, it stopped working. reset the router, work for 5-10 minutes, reset the router again ad nauseum.

then I disconnected my HUB (I had my PS2 connected as well since I'm beta testinf Final Fantasy Online) that made it a LOT better. so I'm thinking that the collision rate was too high to handle.

so I also set my card to 10 BaseT Half Duplex to try and minimise the collisions even after disconnecting my hub, now I get some days without trouble and others that make me want to rip my hair out.

I've tried auto sense as well and it still doesn't work right all the time.

I bet that out of 10 times I try to use the damn thing I get a working computer about 2-3... maybe... if I'm lucky and Santa Claus likes me and I haven't eaten any kittens, kicked any puppies . sacrificed at least 30 small furry creatures to the god of Gates/netgear, do the happy dance, drink 2 beers, one glass of wine and half a bottle of Port, and so on...

all this so that we didn't have to change the router in order to go Wireless... why you ask? because while I'm staying at home (yes I'm a loser, I moved back home to finish up my Massage degree rent-free) I have to use my folks' internet connection and my dad doesn't understand the first thing about networking or how easy it is to set up/run a network especially using DHCP.


oh look, it just decided to work now so I can post this message that was originally going to be saved and posted at a later time...

if everyone who reads this gives me one dollar..... I'll have a buck fifty

lol anyway,...
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