Sep 18, 2003 05:23
really upset me.
I need to vent here.
I've been full of piss and vinegar for a while now, I'm really REALLY sick of being the "better person" and "letting it go" when someone does something deserving of a good old fashioned "down on the farm" ass kicking.
case in point:
I'm relatively well known in the places I go to, I'm a fun guy to hang out with, I'm flirty but respectful and I'm very careful to walk that line of telling the truth, saying what I think and feel, but I do it in a way that doesn't hurt others or make them feel poorly about anything. because of this, a whole lot of people know me.
the problem comes in with people that don't.
so anyway, tonight I'm at the club sipping on a few drinks, cooling out with my friends, relaxing you know? and my friend (whom I lived with for 2 years mind you) has an unlit cigarette in her hand. I've never been one to let that go so I whip out my lighter to light her cigarette.
bozo the Gothic clown gets pissed, grabs my hand and tells me to "F@$% off pal" to which he pulls out HIS lighter and proceeds to curse like a child with tourettes when his lighter doesn't work (ain't Karma a bitch?)
meanwhile I go to light her cigarette again and he looks me in the eye and says "I told you to F@$# off, or are you deaf" to which he pulls out his backup lighter and proceeds to burn my friends face.... okay he didn't actually burn it but flame touched skin if only briefly.
at that moment everything literally slowed down and I was filled with a very unhealthy self-righteous rage at his vain pretentiousness and rudeness. I swear to god that things were literally moving in slow motion.... I haven't been that angry in a long long time.
so what did I do? I walked away that's what.
the more I think about it the more I realize that it was probably the right thing to do since I was a foot taller than this kid and definitely had him by a good 50 pounds of muscle and as angry as I was I probably would have killed him, and I really am a gentle person and having death on my hands is not a fun thing.
but aside from knowing that I'm the better man for walking away I keep replaying that moment in my head and wishing I had handled it the way I would have if I was back home in Michigan.
let me explain.
in Michigan, no-one would ever talk to someone else like that. there are certain rules of conduct that you abide by... if you don't one of 3 things is going to happen. one, you'll get the crap kicked out of you by the person you upset... and it will happen when you're not expecting it, like when you're in the john, or fumbling for your keys. Two, the other people at the bar will mop the floor with you and then throw you out because that kind of rudeness isn't tolerated.... PERIOD.
this last option only happens in the rough spots of town, places where I was relatively safe because there, like here, I was rather well known and very neutral where gangs are concerned but..... the third thing that would have happened is that.... well, if you've ever seen American history X you'll understand and let me tell you, it's just as shocking up close and personal as it is in the movie.
at any rate, the point is that in the North (Flint, Detroit, Lansing etcetera), good manners are a survival technique down here they're merely guidelines. and I thought that there were "southern gentlemen" down here. come to find out these "Neo Gentlemen" are doing more to kill chivalry and good will towards one another than anyone else in society.
and the way I was raised, showing your anger or wish for violence is a crime.... literally, but something beaten into you by your father or uncle or mother. the fact that he did so makes me more angry.
I am glad I didn't stoop to that level, I merely smiled at him and walked away, but I am SO not satisfied right now. why is it that when you "do the right thing" you always wish that you hadn't?
ok, I'm going to turn the testosterone off now, it rare that I have a moment like this but DAMN am I pissed at this guy who I don't even know.
what do you all think? was I right or should I have politely asked him to discuss his views on my social skills outside in the parking lot over a pair of knuckle sandwiches?