Jun 30, 2009 23:53
I am SO out of shape.
I went on the horrible little thing that is called the scales the other day, and it turned out that I had nothing to fear. I weigh less than what I did when I left. The problem, really, is that what I've lost is not excess fat, it's muscle. Well, I thought, easy to put back on. So, yesterday, Monday the 29th of June, 2009... I started exercising again, after 10.5 months.
Bloody hell, that was hard. I trampolined for 30 minutes, and it felt like a friggin' year. Then I went 15 kilometres on the ergometer bike, and now I can barely sit on my computer chair, because... well, bike seats are NOT made to fit my fragile behind. I managed 15 situps, and today... my arms start shaking if I lift ANYTHING higher than my chest. Exercising sucks. On the bright side, it can only get better from here. Right? Right?!
I am getting into the Norwegian TV schedule again. I know, very exciting. I'm sure it would surprise you that I haven't watched TV regularly for four years. I mean, I haven't followed anything on TV. Now I've written down in my calender that they send Private Practice on Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m. It's starting to sink in that I'm staying in this country for a few years.
Today I went to a seminar. I needed to go through with it to be able to sign a paper that says that I'm allowed to give out medication to the patients. In this seminar I got talking with a girl who work in the same place as me, but in a different section (I'm D, she's B - we work in different parts of town). Turned out that she studies medicine - about to start her fourth year - in Trondheim. That's exactly where I want to go. She told me that it's amazing, and that she's learning so much, and that she has never regretted going through her two years of studying just in order to get in. I walked out of that seminar with a huge smile on my face, and it was not because I was now allowed to give out pills legally.
What more? Oh yeah. I have Thursday off. I'm loving this shift work, actually. I work three days - then I have a day off. It's much better than the usual 5-day work week! Plus, I'm starting to kind of love my job.