May 31, 2011 22:45
Yes, my sweetie, I'm very glad you do all you can to bring home the bacon. I'm very glad you cook on the weekends. Very very glad. Yes. Please don't stop that.
I am delighted you are willing to take care of your share of dishes. I think you need just a couple of hints as to how to clean the kitchen.
Load the dishwasher every day. With dirty dishes in it. Just load that puppy with whatever loose dishes you can. If you load in an organized manner you can get a whole lot more in. You know, plates in a row on the bottom, glasses up top, utensils down. Etc.
I understand you may not want to wash pots and pans and whatnot that don't fit in the dishwasher at the same time. I get tired too. Wash those big fry pans and pasta pots at least twice in a week. Please don't leave everything we cooked with on the counter for me to deal with when it's my turn.
Don't forget to heat the water before you turn on the dishwasher. Don't forget to put soap in the dispenser. Don't forget to actually run the dishwasher.
Please wipe down the counters and the stove. Everything will look much much better if the crumbs, coffee grounds, tomato splashes, baked-on spills and grease has been done away with. Even if there are a few large and dirty dishes at one end of the counter.
Scrub out the sink. Especially if you leave things to soak. If they have been soaking more than a couple of days it smells as though something has died in there. And is moldering away. Softly keening as it slides slowly into the garbage disposal. There's cleanser under the sink, and lo! it has bleach in it! The sink gets shiny white and clean and there's no more dying stinky things slinking down the drain.
With these few small suggestions, I won't have a huge pile of crappy dirty crumby slimy dishes to take care of when it's my turn. And thank you.
cleaning kitchen