[It seems that this conversation has been going on before the clock struck midnight, but of course its Hanna's dumb luck that he asks this at 12:04, so that the whole city can hear it.]
So um, I was kind of just thinking about it offhandedly because I'm not even sure if you'd uh....Want to, ever, but um.
And the embarrassment begins. )
And I thought that I had escaped from the necrophiliac. I bet you really enjoyed when Veles showed up, yes?
S-shut the fuck up, I did not! H-he's di-
[Okay, so maybe not. Wibble, wibble wibble.]
You said that the anatomy of a zombie is "pretty interesting stuff".
Your pool of potential dating partners must have grown a lot that week.
[He's pretty positive. Its just one undead in question that he's dating that he's quite taken with is all.]
I guess it's not necrophilia until you do "it" with him. Right now, you're just a "necro-romancer".
[Hah. Hah. Pun.]
I'm laughing so hard, Ha fucking Ha ha.
Good to see you have a funny bone in your body- it really was quite humerus.
We are seriously not buddies right now, just, stop. Before I hang up on you again.
Oh, no. I would hate it if you killed the conversation like that. It would leave a rather dead feeling in the air, don't you think?
Screw you.
[Hanna cuts the feed quick enough to almost cut off the last word.]
[If he gets over 25, he wins a teddy bear.]
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