[Hanna is sitting on the floor in his room, an actual smile on his face. Too much had been happening, and he hadn't been sleeping well, worried that someone was going to take Galahad away from him, and he wouldn't have enough time to explain that he wasn't some flesh-eating zombie. So, instead of freaking out over it like he had been, he was sitting down to take the time to play with Daniel, the little puppy rather glad for the attention. Sacrificing a sock, he was playing tug of war, the dog growling between his teeth, little stub of a tail wagging behind him, and cute as can be.]
Grrr, Grrrrrr, this is the best sock in the world, isn't it? You just need to kill it! Grrrrr!
[Pulling hard enough to have Daniel's paws slide forward on the floor, Hanna pounces, rolling with him to set the little dog on his stomach, getting a face full of tongue and puppy breath. Regardless, he's laughing and it feels nice to just relax for a while. Daniel is still licking his face when the feed times out.]
This is Daniel C: