Oct 13, 2013 23:19
So. I did nano in... Hmm... 2006? Yeah. So 7 years ago. I've attempted it twice since then, but I've never completed it since. I also am 99.8% sure that I've lost the text of every nano project, fanfic, or general piece of writing I ever did, thanks to two laptops' hard drives dying in the span of 3 weeks. But everyone tells me I should write, and recently I've been told I should take all of my "dear Meghan" posts from Facebook and turn them into a book for her. This actually appeals to me, because if nothing else, I can get a copy bound and give it to her someday. So, I may use my LJ as a way of keeping track of my nano, and so forth.
Hopefully. Ugh. I hate self doubt.