OOC ◆ profile meme

Oct 29, 2011 17:22

[Character Name] Trucy Wright (Previously Trucy Enigmar)
[Canon] Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
[Point Taken from Canon] After the last case in AJ: AA

[Age] 15
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Brown
[Height] She's not totally a shorty, but she's not too tall either XD. I'd say 5'2" tops.
[Other] ...Not that I know of o_o
[Clothing] Trucy wears a black strapless dress with gold buttons down the front and it falls to about her thighs. Being the magician she is, Trucy wears a light blue magician's cape over it with a emerald brooch holding it together. Around her neck is a red scarf and on her hat is the trade mark light blue magician's hat. She wears diamond shaped earrings and has white gloves on her hands with white boots on her feet. Around her waist, Trucy wears a blue and white shaped bag.

[Background] - SPOILERS ENSUE!
Trucy is currently living under the care of one retired hobo lawyer Phoenix Wright, hence her last name. Her biological parents are Zak and Thalassa Gramarye two famous magicians who had made up part of Troupe Gramarye. She was told that her mother died when she was younger due to a trick gone wrong that involved two pistols. During that time she continued to live with her father Zak, but at the age of 8, he was accused of murdering his mentor and her grandfather Magnifi Gramarye.

The defence lawyer for that particular trial was none other than Phoenix Wright. During this trail she managed to help her father escape before a guilty verdict could be declared. This was also the case that Phoenix happened to lose his badge from when he presented false evidence without his knowledge. Since then, Zak has been believed to be deceased and despite Phoenix’s relentless searching he was unable to find any of Trucy’s other relatives so he adopted her and raised her as his own child. Since then, Trucy has lived with Phoenix and has helped him change his dreary law office into the “Wright Talent Agency” and to this day maintains it.

Her first encounter with Apollo, a defense attorney was during his first case where she presented him with a piece of false evidence: a playing card with a drop of blood on it. When Apollo found out about presenting this false piece of evidence he took his anger out on Phoenix although it was Trucy who gave it to him in the first place. A few months later, Apollo was roped into joining the “Wright Talent Agency” which was actually now called the “Wright Anything Agency” and became his assistant in his cases.

While it should have been ‘happily ever after’, Trucy’s mother Thalassa wasn’t actually ever dead. The fatal shot that was supposed to have killed her actually made her lose her sight. So what was she up to this whole time while Phoenix was raising Trucy? She was a new blind Borginian singing satiation named Lamiror who also had amnesia and couldn’t remember that she had a daughter. Thanks to Apollo’s last case where Phoenix was experimenting with the Jurist system she regained her memory.

But we aren’t done with the twists yet! Before Thalassa’s marriage to Zak, she had been married to someone else and had bore a child who was actually Apollo. This little secret was kept from the two half-siblings and Trucy still has no idea that her mother is alive. And probably won’t any time soon because its Phoenix keeping the secrets from the two. D<

Trucy is definitely a very energetic girl. Not only that but she’s charismatic, bubbly and generally quite a happy person. Some may also call Trucy gullible, but the mere fact is that she simply has a huge imagination which would count towards her eccentric tricks. This only makes her only the slightest bit naïve, but you shouldn’t take that as stupid because Trucy is quite an intelligent girl. She is a trickster and has a teasing personality but it’s all in the name of fun.

Trucy is naturally a curious little thing and plays with things she probably shouldn’t be playing with. When you deal with Trucy, what you see is what you get. She’s not a liar, but a performer and there’s a pretty big difference between the two. She’s a self proclaimed ‘Magician Extraordinaire’ and loves to pull out her magic tricks when she can. Her confidant personality can sometimes be taken as arrogant but it’s not really.

It also seems that she's inherited some questionable ethics from her father, Phoenix XD

Just like Apollo she has the ability to ‘perceive’ the truth although hers isn’t quite as extreme as Apollo’s ability. She can pick up on people’s nervous little habits that give them away and because of that she was usually brought along when Phoenix played poker games with people.

And oh yea, she has a bit of a penchant for magic.

Trucy is a love-able kind of girl, and she's kind of naive when it comes to affectionate actions. If Phoenix were around however he might have a say if you were doing something to his daughter 8D 
[Fighting] She isn't the type to go around punching people in the face, and I'm pretty sure Trucy wouldn't hold up in a fight. You're welcome to try though she may just 'poof' away before anything can happen XD

[Other Facts]
Trucy always keeps her magic tricks on her, case in point Mr. Hat which is one of her favourite tricks along with her magical panties trick which is just like pulling a rabbit of out a top hat…except not. 8D

profile meme, ooc

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