HEY Y'ALL! For the past few days, I've done almost nothing except work on drawing hot chicks. Why? Because I may end up in an industry that calls for this specialization (example: graphic novels), and a stack of hairy, muscly men wouldn't do much for my portfolio.
Anyway, I'm posting the three I've finished for my guy/lesbian readers. I'd really appreciate it if they would look over my attempts at sexyness and offer some advice. Even something like, "I LIKE THAT ONE CUZ HER BOOBS LOOK BIGGER," would be really helpful. So, don't be shy! At the very least, I'd like them to indicate the hottest one. :D
This was my first attempt. I had only my manga books and my own preferences to work from. That's why this chick isn't so "hot." But I did establish my style at this point. I didn't want it to be Marvel, mainly so that I could draw girls each with different faces. What a concept. So it ended up being a Marvel/Disney hybrid.
It was at this point that I found my "How to Draw Marvel" book. Can you tell? Haha. Honestly, though, I didn't copy any part of this from the book. It's just an easily-imitatable style. This is where I learned that I hate Marvel boobs, because they look rock hard. Boobs need to go "squish," people. Anyway! I had also asked Trent, Tyler, Stevie, and Dad for their opinions on the first one, so I had more of an idea of what guys think is hot. I really should take notes, because there are so many freaking rules. For this picture, I only had Dad around for help. Heehee.
I had this cheerleader friend, Sarah, that sat in front of me in Algebra 2 in high school. She had the most gorgeous blonde hair. I'm not one for plantinum blondes, but she had this really deep, autumnal shade. I tried to duplicate it here. I also tried to go for a wet-shirt look, but that didn't happen. I think for that, I'll need to use a reference. Speaking of references, I actually used myself for this pose, because it was so hard. Everything there is me, except for the boobs and 15-inch waist. And the hand, which I made up. I'm probably the most proud of that hand.
So, to get more practice, I'll be taking commissions from guys/lezzies out there. I'd like them to describe their dream pinups for me. I'll draw anything short of porn. You can commish me in the comments. If you're uncomfortable with divulging your darkest fantasies publicly, you can just drop a comment telling me to meet you on IM or something. :D