I had my first Calc 3 exam on Friday. :| I hope I did OK. But we got our Core 1 essays back in English today and I got a 100!!!! I'm so pwoud of myself. :333
So I've seen Corpse Bride twice now. I AM IN LUUURVE. I was not expecting so much (er, any) piano playing. Going to that movie was like being handed a big chocolate cake. Except instead of cake it was plastic armatures matching the fingering of the music PERFECTLY. I know Jeni and Jennifer will be watching the triplets in the left hand as closely as I.
Hurrah for Photoshop filters!!!! ...And a new lineart technique. I tried using cel-shading at first, but it just didn't look like him. I'm glad I went with the rendered effect.
My first time making a background. I think it was more trouble that it was worth. T_T I did get to experient with blending modes and gradients in Photoshop, so at least I learned something from it.
Eventually I want to take pictures of the artwork I'm doing in Drawing II. I've got some really cool self portraits and anatomy studies, unlike the shit we turned out in Drawing I.