Feb 13, 2008 05:47
Ok so I have been a little of for the pass few days due to the fact of somethings I was told about...... ok shaun the boyfriend I am inlove with hrut me really badly..... he told me he want to see my best friends boobs and well I kinda brushed that off but sunday as we were cuddling since I had sunday off he tells me he wants a 3 sum.. Ok no big deal no is no balh blah blah well in the next breathe he says with mary***.... he kept talking about me talking to mary*** and asking her to join us I feel so bad I guess I'm not good enough for him cuz then on monday him and his mother tell me I need to join weigh watches cuz they care about me... I mean what wrong with me I would hat to see what his mom thought about me when she frist meat me
I'm scared cuz I feel so much diffrent with him then I did when ii was with dave HELP
*** name has been changed