Jan 24, 2007 19:17
I gave blood a week ago! Now I can say it because I'm done with my hard final and can no longer use my lack of blood as an excuse for sucking at things like Statistics! I really hope I didn't fail that...I thought I did well butcha really never know.
It's been...3 months since I broke up with Will. All was well and good and then stuff just started going down hill. I'm not sure what his deal was, but I think the best part was when Ariel told me Will still thought I was hung on him. Around then was the depth of my reobsession with that one guy. So maybe before then Will would have been more correct as opposed to...well...right then.
He's also trying to destroy my quartet. The other 2 involved are about to rip his head off if he does (one's even holding his shoes hostage) so maybe I'm not such a freak to want a good music ensemble. Not to mention they're the cause of my practicing and thus the bettering of my concerto. Which I'm now learning to love.
The last time I updated was exactly 3 years since my first ever boyfriend asked me out. Haha. That relationship was boring...