It's been almost a year since I posted, but a lot has happened. Namely, this:
Who has turned into this:
I know, right?! All you need is a spoon for the scrumptiousness and you're set.
So now our family is eight. Which is a lot of people. It doesn't feel huge, though, when we're hanging out together. It just feels right.
Dishes, laundry, shopping, cooking, homework, practice, etc. looms large and I want to tear out my hair. Eight people in a house is a lot of that stuff and that stuff isn't all that goes on in a life, but whoosh. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning. My alone time has dwindled. My 10, 12 and 14 keep me up late talking, talking, talking. That's a really good thing and I will do everything I can to make it last. My 6 month old gets me up early for snuggles and nursing and loves. Also a good thing which I know won't last so I'm clinging to it for all I'm worth.
But I really need alone time to chill and collect my thoughts and do ME things like read and eat chocolate and waste time on the internet looking up fanvids of Richard Armitage on youtube.
Oddly, the 3 and 5 are the easiest ones. All they need is food and stories and they go to bed at eight. Perfection! Can't the whole world be that way? Pretty, pretty please with a chocolate covered ant on top?