Ohh, we are still alive! I am pretty sure no one really cares about this community but just want to announce for those who ever comes by. :) I am not sure if I am still planning to do anymore blogcrews since I am kind of out of the phase at the time being... and probably never coming back... but who knows? I apologize for those who are waiting to be added on the blogcrews, I will try to update them on Thanksgiving Break. Dx And I have a icon batch in the making, but because of school/applications and life, I am taking them slowly. D: However good news are that I changed the layout (actually quite several times but decided to update with this one :D) and the profile! Check the profile to know the credits. :) Hope you guys like the new looks! And I am really sorry for not updating for so long. Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving week! :DD And plus, here's a preview of some of the icons I have been making (they are pretty bad but hope someone likes them so far :D) -