... since I finished watching Season Two. I like that British TV does 9-13 episode seasons because ideas tend to get stale much less quickly... but the downside is you only have 9-13 episodes to watch until you have to WAIT for more new ones again. Wait until who-knows-when, in fact, because the Beeb doesn't announce things like if they're going ahead with another season until it's practically time to film it. Luckily, Doctor Who is only half way through its season, so I still have my Whoniverse fix (David Tennant as The Doctor is still my fav!) and I'll even get some Captain Jack goodness when John Barrowman returns for the season finale. I think that's confirmed and not a rumour anymore. I don't know. I find I enjoy the shows more if I stay a little bit out of the loop :P And yes, I know that Torchwood is cheese, but it's yummy cheese like cheddar or gouda or that cheese-like-substance they put on Kraft dinner and cheezies.
Since I have no more new Torchwood to watch right now, I have made Torchwood wallpapers celebrating my favourite relationship in the show: Jack and Ianto! They're way too adorable together. I hope the writers don't feel the need for them to break up next season for dramatic shit. They have a rift through time and space to get dramatic shit from. I'd like to see this relationship develop more next year, not less - especially since it's mostly been on the sidelines or in the background so far. They're too cute for that, dammit!
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One in Widescreen.
One in Not!Widescreen.
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