They grow up so fast...

Oct 10, 2010 08:44

So yesterday and today were days off from school for statewide teacher's convention (which no teachers I know ever go to), so Hubby took the two days off and we did several interesting things. Today, Hubby, Daughter, Daughter's BFF and I drove about an hour south of our house to look at two colleges. One was a big hit and is still on the list of colleges she'll apply to. The other was a total bust. When we got home, Daughter actually THANKED US for taking her there today. So I think it was a worthwhile trip. The weather was gorgeous, and I had a total nostalgia rush for college life. *sigh*

Yesterday we finished up our painting-the-outside-of-the-house project (and by we, I mean Hubby's cousin who is the same guy that did our basement last winter). So the front of the house is all painted, the new patio is built, chairs and tables to go on new patio have been stained. Today we finally finished sifting and relocating the big pile of dirt which came from the yard where the new patio was laid - it has been there since mid-August. The leaves have been raked. Previously, we had painted the screen porch and stained a portion of the deck. Now we just have the usual fall maintenance of our shrubs, and we should be all ready for winter.

Well, almost. We have a sprinkler system in our yard (the guy we bought our house from was a sales manager for the Toro Company that makes sprinkler systems). Every year we have to hire someone to blow the excess water out of the lines so they won't freeze and break over the winter. They came out the other day to do this and we found that our system controller had been fried, probably from a power surge. So now we have to spend $200+ on this new controller so that we can winterize the thing. *is annoyed* We don't even use it that much!

Tomorrow I get to spend all day at my daughter's final marching band performance. I love their show this year - the music is from the musical Chess, and they've put a cute little story together. If anyone wants to watch it, it's here. And, no, I have no idea which spec is my daughter.

That's about all I'm up to. It's enough to keep me out of trouble.

♥ ♥ ♥

band, college trip, house projects

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