Um, hi?

Apr 28, 2010 12:45

I'm not dead - far from it. RL seems to have decided that I no longer have time to fart around on teh interwebz by giving me more things to do than can reasonably be done in a day. Here are a few highlights:

-I've been designing grad party invites for my nephew's party. I could never work for my sister. I'm just sayin.'

-I went to some friends' house for dinner and drank too much wine, and learned that not only do I no longer have any alcohol tolerance, but when I drink to much, I get barfy sick now. My hubby is a saint (although I suspect it helped that he was drunk when he cleaned up after me).

-I may have mentioned previously that a) I had a vitamin D deficiency and b) I thought the meds I was taking for my hot flashes were making me ditzy. I have stopped taking those meds right about the same time that my doctor prescribed megadoses of vitamin D. So I'm not sure what was causing my problem, but for the first time in about six months, I can actually think clearly. I'm kinda leaning towards the vitamin D as the cause, because stupidity isn't generally a problem with Effexor, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I had been really nervous about going back to work because - hello. Stupid.

-I need to start looking for a job again. Although there is potentially more work for my BIL if he gets a certain contract. I'd like that because I could work out of my house and set my own hours.

-My main distraction lately has been my good friend who had surgery to remove a benign brain tumor. They were able to get most of the tumor, but they had to cut off the blood supply to that area of the brain while they operated. Usually other blood vessels will take up the slack, but in her case, they didn't, and this caused excessive swelling in her brain. A second surgery was done to relieve the swelling, and while she's doing better, there is almost certainly some type of brain damage. They just don't know what it is yet, or how severe. I haven't seen her yet - she's still in ICU and they are limiting her visitors, although they're moving her feeding tube from through her nose to her stomach today, so she will undoubtedly be more comfortable and maybe up for visitors soon. Her poor husband is a wreck, and I sent my hubby over to chat with him on Sunday and he was there for 2+ hours. It's a really helpless feeling for us right now, so I'm cooking for her hubby and daughter like a maniac.

-My children are ridiculously needy. They need to learn how to figure things out for themselves.

-I tried doing some writing about a week ago and it all went really well until I realized that I'd lost my funny. Okay, I was never actually that funny, but I was worth maybe a chuckle or two. Apparently not anymore. If you borrowed my sense of humor, would you please return it?

-Oh, I almost forgot. I'm apparently allergic to menopause. I've had a random rash break out all over my forearms and the backs of my hands, but it only starts getting red and itchy when I'm in the sun. In researching the cause, I've learned that rashes in menopausal women are relatively common. WTF? Could we please add insult to injury? Hmmm - no wonder my sense of humor ran away.

I haven't even been lurking on LJ lately, so if you shared anything lately that I need to see, please link. I hope to be back to my regularly scheduled time wasting soon.

what i've been up to lately

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