The Days and Nights of Magicofisis

May 04, 2009 19:02

Let's see - what have I been up to?

On Friday, I ran all over the city trying to get my son ready for his first boy scout camping trip and my daughter and me ready to go on our retreat. The camping goods store was having a really good sale, and by the time I showed up at 11 am, the parking lot was a zoo and it took about 40 minutes to collect the three things I needed and queue up to buy them. I did save about $50 though, so it was worth it. I stopped for groceries after radiation, and then rushed home to bake brownies to take with me. A flurry of activity occurred after the kids got home from school, during which I had to get three of us packed up to go while Hubby taught one of my daughter's friends how to play the saxophone (it's a long story...). My mom arrived at 4:30 to drive Daughter and me to our bus, and I left Hubby in charge of getting Son to where he needed to be. This was a bad idea, because Hubby forgot that he needed to feed my son dinner, so the poor kid nearly starved to death.

Meanwhile, Daughter and I went on a four hour bus ride to the resort where we go to these church retreats. It was 10:30 by the time we arrived, and on the bus, I learned that I needed to write "affirming" notes to each of the kids on the retreat and not just my own, as I'd thought. So when we stopped for dinner, I ran across the street to a grocery store and bought notecards. I then proceeded to write 16 personal notes until my hand was cramping. I didn't finish until about 1:45am.

For as much as the confirmation program irritates me, the kids in it are really quite wonderful, and it's been pretty amazing to see how much they've grown up in the two years I've been leading them. I'm not sure I want to sign up to lead another group, but one of the exercises was to have each kid write everyone else in the group a short note, and the ones I got were very sweet. (Except the one from my own kid, which was sarcastic and sort of obnoxious.) They all seemed to have a really good time, and it was fun to watch them. It figures that once they get self-sufficient and easy to deal with, we have to move them along to another program. See, this is one reason that I could never be a teacher.

Sunday we rode back home on the bus and then I was pretty much dead to the world. Didn't do much of anything.

Today I got radiation first thing, followed by a four hour seminar put on by the hospital for patients who are having joints replaced. My mom asked me to go with her, which I was glad to do, but seriously, they could have done it in an hour. Very yawn-worthy. And now I'm off to the boy scout parent meeting. Usually Hubby does these things, but he's coaching the baseball team tonight so I'm filling in. Hopefully, it will be short.

*waves* Hope y'all are doing well.

busy days

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