Fic Rec

Feb 04, 2007 09:41

So while you're all waiting for the Superbowl, or more likely, looking for something to do to avoid the Superbowl, why not run over to harry_and_ron and read a wonderful fic, Give My Heart by avus. While avus is by no means new to writing in fandom, he is a fairly recent convert to the H/R ship, and his offering here is wonderfully original! While the rest of us are writing our 300th 'Harry-doesn't-know-I'm-gay' fic, avus has written a superb messed-up-in-the-head!Harry, and you'll gasp and say "Oh Shit" like I did when you find out why. Angsty, yet with a fluffy, happy ending. It was a privilege to beta.

It's in four parts (three chapters plus epilogue). avus is not so good with the hypertext links, so the chapters aren't linked. Come back here for navigation help (see below).

Give My Heart by avus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Don't forget to review!

fic rec

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