So Powerhouse sent me home early today. It appears my boss went back on his original plan to just close Friday, followed suit with everyone else on the Avenue, and closed up shop for the whole weekend. This gives me all day tomorrow to chill by myself I don't know what. Maybe go thrifting. I need to get me some gauze for my masque costume leg wraps too.
4th was okay. Definitely mellower than years past. Went to Lake Eola for fireworks and sat near this couple with a hyperactive poodle. Oh, and for lack of patrotic wearz I wore my t-shirt from JACON that sez "Glados '08, Cake You Can Believe In!' shirt, thinking that some gamer around would appreciate the irony. No. Instead I get hit up by every political campaigner in the park. One of them asked what party GLaDOS was running for. I told him "Aperture Science" with a straight face and he said he's never heard of it before. And I managed to get about 15 paces away before losing it to giggles.
Oh. I took a
bath with Jas last night. (lol.) Anyone who wants to buy me moar retro-LUSH before Sunday while they're still offering free Marathon bars with every purchase is free to keep the freeb bubble bath XD