Nov 02, 2008 01:15
I guess it has been a bit since I have updated. To tell the truth, these days are just Spanish class, work, and 'Fallen'. Still, technically, it is the 2nd of November. I have passed a couple ofSpanish tests and the fucked up thing is that I barely studied. I got a lower grade on the test I did study for. Weird. I have been talking to this girl Meghann, and she is pretty cool, or I thought she was until we went out together. She started really going into how people pay for stuff for her and all that. I guess that's cool if that is how she rolls, but that isn't how I roll. I pay for what I can and if I borrow money, I will pay it back with interest as soon as I have it. I never realized how independant or how proud of the things I have until I talked to her. She made fun of my cell phone because it is a newer model, and I don't pay for the cell phone bill, my dad does, so I was like I don't mind it. My cell phone works. As soon as I can find an affordable cell phone with good rates for what I want and need, I think I will get a new phone and not have to worry my dad on that. Anyway, I have been working on Fallen, though for som,e reason it took me a long time to finish writing out chapter 12. I finished that. Chapter 7 is with Debs right now. I wrote a Halloween story that only got one review, and now I am disappointed. I thought that with other people reading so much of Fallen, that more people would read that one too. Oh well. I write for me, not for them, really, or I would like to think so, which is why I rarely ever put stories out when people ask me 'Oh when will this be updated?' because even if I do, some bastard will nitpick (which when I go to see their stories are worse off than mine, but that is all I will say on that) or they will be like 'nice. More please'. I am greedy I guess. I wanna know what was good, what wasn't. they just go, oh she's out of character. Well, in what bloody way?! Anyway, I've had a few weird dreams. For the last week and a half, I have been broke as hell, so I got my money now and I feel better. I can pay off bills and pay back the payday loans. I loaned Alex 250 for her brakes and she put in the contract that she will pay back 50 a week. She's not sticking to that, and it makes me angry. She is like my mother is. She pretty much talks out of her ass. She uses people too, just like mehgann. I am now like fuck you. You're on your own. i am not paying for groceries because I am not home most of the time, so usually it is her or fucking Victor who has dinner there, and they eat whatever I say is mine anyway, so she can fuck off. I will buy my own food and eat at work/school. She will figure something out or she will starve. She has her fucking lackeys. They can buy shit for her too. I don't care. She ain't getting it from me. Fuck that. I am tired of being nice to her and hearing her say how she will pay me back and shit. She won't. and she says she will go get me starbucks when she doesn't. Talking out of her ass. Her fucking boyfriend Vince and her deserve eachother. No other real news. I dressed up as the Phantom of the Opera and realized that even in black and even in costume, I am not pretty. Big surprise. I am not happy and if it doesn't show in this post, well, you're stupid.