Mar 23, 2012 16:21
I had a crazy weird ass dream last night. It was filled with Utena and Dollhouse feels.(For those who don't know, Utena is about a girl who dresses as a prince and duels members of the student council for this girl named Anthy who is known as The Rose Bride. They are suppose to duel until The End Of the World, even though they don't know what that is supposed to mean.) It started off with me in this coffin like thing, but there was steady air, and there was light, and oddly, i didn't freak the hell out like i would have if this was in real life. I think i was working in this space because there were ads and posters that would rotate above me, and i would use a can of white paint to cover it up. then when I was let out, i was saved(?) by a cat-like girl, and then I saw the two of us together in a window, and i had pink hair and a sword. Apparently, I got it into my head that I was Utena and this girl was like my Anthy, but when people would chase us though this dark city, i would use the sword and defeat them. This cat girl could orb or we both could, because sometimes, we would leave the city and go somewhere else, and the battles would begin there too. Then we orbed up to this oriental looking place, and an emperor came out. He looked around the crowd, and because the cat-girl was the only one who looked the way she did, I just knew he would pick her. For what, I wasn't sure, but i think it was for marriage. When he did pick her, i stood up and was in his face telling him that he couldn't have her. The emperor had like a dozen guards, but they didn't try to attack me. the emperor said he admired my courage, and that if the cat girl and i left right away, we won't get killed, so we left again, and we orb back to the dark city. I ask the cat girl if she knew about Utena, and she said she had seen it. I told her that I was mean to protect her, but that is all I remember.
weird dream