Before I forget, I had a dream that I had been living in this rundown place with a bunch of people, and I was about to go to my new job as a waiter. Then there was Michelle and Barak Obama there. I don't know why, but they came and talked to me, and I don't remember what all they said to me, just that I needed to keep my head clear or somehting like that. They told me the story of how they met and married, and then when I was late to work on my second day, fearing I was going to be fired, they were like 'oh the president called and said you were with him. When I got back to my 'house' all of the other people I had been living with were gone and the house was less run down. Barak and Michelle were still there, looking like my parents if I had come home way the fuck past curfew, but I sat down with them and talked some more until it was morning again and I had to go to work. They saw me off again, waving me goodbye, and I was on my way out with my backpack.
So, anyway, that was my crazy ass dream.
Yesterday I had spent a lot of time jobhunting and as always getting nothing in responce. It really didn't help when my mother told me that Bitchface got yet another new car. My older sister moved into a house this and last weekend and I am exstatic for her. This is because she and Ben work so hard at the jobs they have for it. I am so proud that they are moving up and getting more room with their dog Jilly and cat Faith. I am so proud of that. Whenever I hear that Bitchface moved up or got somehting new, like when she got married, or when she moved, I just get so angry. And yes, if I am honest, I get hella jealous too. I always wonder who she stomped on and used to get whatever it was she got, too. The only reason Kharma's a bitch is because she doesn't help who should be helped. Like Idalia. Nicest woman in the world, but she is slowly dying. Well fuck you, too.
Okay, so enough of that.
Here is a video I found of Doctor Who done to the Angel theme, which is just amazeballs, and not just because Catherine Tate is surrounded by purple. The whole thing is... Well, just watch.
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